FIERRO CARMEN MARITZA NOVOA plastic artist born on 13 JULY 1969 IN THE CITY OF CONCEPCION CHILE. SISTER OF 3 WOMEN HER MOST Sindh. SEMPRE BUILT NEXT TO THE ART OF YOUR FATHER THE ARTIST JAIME FIERRO. SHARING YOUR SIDE TASTE FOR THE JOB, HAS ALWAYS STAYED IN CREATING HELPING various techniques that his father allowed him PARTICIPATE UNTIL TODAY. 1985 First ACUERELA (just as an onlooker) A RESPECT. MARITZA YOUR Lavoro, mounts and MOLDING PREPARED FOR EXHIBITION. CHANGE YOUR FATHER WHEN THE TECHNIQUE OF OIL. YOUR WORK IS IN STRETCH FABRICS TEZAR OR APPLYING DIFFERENT TEXTURES AND POSITIONING ACRYLICS. MATERIALS READY FOR YOUR FATHER tubiera OBCIONES THAN THIS WAY THE COSNTANCIA MARITZA unfoldment and caries AUTOTIDACTA WAY .... AND ART OF PAINTING WITH VERY DIFFERENT STYLE TO THE FATHER BUT INJECTING color and freshness in each work. 1987 wins 2nd prize in the contest hotel the border region of Temuco in Chile. 1988 collective Expocision Street valparaiso chile 1990 Expocision thoughts My thoughts on the exhibition is titled colors paint Maritza Fierro, identified by our community as Mafi, who desempesu professional activity is spontaneous and colorful natural . Brazil reaches final 1999 with his family by working and green in the city of Embu das Artes LAND OF THE ARTS IN SAN PAULO, BRAZIL. 2000 and 2001 reliza Expocision in parks and traditional calzadones COPA CABANA RIO DE JANEIRO pernanece gift beside her family